Andrew Szasz

User Andrew Szasz

User Professor

User831-459-4662 (office)

User831-459-2634 (ENVS department)

User831-459-4015 (Fax)


Social Sciences Division



Sociology Department


Interdisciplinary Sciences Building

Environmental Studies

B.A., Harvard University, 1969
M.A., University of Chicago, 1971
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982

Environmental Sociology, Sociological Theory

Environmental Sociology: Environmental Movements, Regulation, Environmental Justice, Consumption, Politics and Sociology of Climate Change

Environmental Justice/Environmental Inequality; Social Theory; Environmental Movements; Nuclear Power and Nuclear War; Introduction to Environmental Sociology

2016  Martin M. Chemers Award for Outstanding Research, UCSC Social Science Division

2014 Teaching and Mentoring Award, Section on Environment & Technology, American Sociological Association

2011 recipient of the Frederick Buttel Distinguished Contribution Award of the Environment, Technology, and Society section of the American Sociological Association

2007  Awards for "Shopping Our Way to Safety: How We Changed from Protecting the Environment to Protecting Ourselves", University of Minnesota Press
- Finalist, 2008 C. Wright Mills Book Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems
- Honorable Mention, 2008 Harold and Margaret Sprout Award, Environmental Studies Section, International Studies Association

2007  UCSC Excellence in Teaching Award

2001  Golden Apple, UCSC Social Science Divisional Teaching Award

1994  Awards for "EcoPopulism: Toxic Waste and the Movement for Environmental Justice". Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Winner, Association for Humanistic Sociology Book Award, 1994-1995
- Voted one of Top 10 Environmental Sociology Books/Articles in poll conducted by the Environment and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association

1991-1992 Teaching Award, UCSC Alumni Association

  • How the World's Religions are Responding to Climate Change:  Social Scientific Investigations, Robin Globus Veldman, Andrew Szasz and Randolph Haluza-Delay, eds., Routledge, 2014.
  • Szasz, A., 2007. Shopping Our Way to Safety: How We Changed from Protecting the Environment to Protecting Ourselves, University of Minnesota Press.
  • Szasz, A. 1994. EcoPopulism: Toxic Waste and the Movement for Environmental Justice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Beth Shaefer Caniglia, Robert J. Brulle and Andrew Szasz, “Civil Society, Social Movements and Climate Change,” Chapter 8 in Riley E. Dunlap and Robert J. Brulle, eds., Society and Climate Change:  Sociological Perspectives, Oxford University Press, 2015.

  • Novel framings create new, unexpected allies for climate activism,” Chapter 10 in by Shannon O’Lear and Simon Dalby, eds., Reframing Climate Change: Constructing an Ecological Geopolitics, Routledge, 2015.
  • Bernard Zaleha and Andrew Szasz, “Why conservative Christians don’t believe in climate change,” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 71(5; September/October): 19-30, 2015.

  • Bernard Zaleha and Andrew Szasz, “Keep Christianity Brown! Climate Denial on the Christian Right in the United States,” Chapter 14 in How the World’s Religions are Responding to Climate Change: Social Scientific Investigations, Veldman, Szasz and Haluza-DeLay, eds., Routledge, 2014.

  • Robin Globus Veldman, Andrew Szasz and Randolph Haluza-Delay, “Introduction:  Climate Change and Religion – A Review of Existing Literature,” Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 6(3):255-275, 2012.

  • “Is Green Consumption Part of the Solution?” pp. 594-608 in John S. Dryzek, Richard B. Norgaard, & David Schlosberg, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society, Oxford University Press, 2011.
  • “Unintended, Inexorable: The Production of Environmental Inequalities in Santa Cruz County, California,” with Michael Meuser, American Behavioral Scientist, 43(4):602-632, 2000.
  • "Environmental Inequalities: Literature Review and Proposals for New Directions in Research and Theory," with Michael Meuser, Current Sociology, 45(3):99-120, 1997.
  • "Public Participation in the Cleanup of Contaminated Military Facilities: Democratization or Anticipatory Cooptation?" with Michael Meuser, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 34(1):1-22, 1997.
  • "Progress through Mischief: The Social Movement Alternative to Secondary Associations," Politics & Society, 20(4):521-528, 1992.
  • "In Praise of Policy Luddism: Strategic Lessons from the Hazardous Waste Wars," Capitalism, Nature, Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology, 2(1):17-43, 1991.
  • "Corporations, Organized Crime and the Disposal of Hazardous Waste: An Examination of the Making of a Criminogenic Regulatory Structure," Criminology, 24(1):1 27, 1986.
  • "The Process and Significance of Political Scandals: A Comparison of Watergate and the 'Sewergate' Episode at the Environmental Protection Agency," Social Problems, 33(3):202 217, 1986.
  • "The Reversal of Federal Policy Toward Worker Safety and Health: A Critical Examination of Alternative Explanations," Science and Society, 50(1):25 51, 1986.
  • "Accident Proneness: The Career of an Ideological Concept," Psychology and Social Theory, 1(4):25 35, 1984.
  • "Industrial Resistance Toward Occupational Safety and Health Legislation, 1971 1981," Social Problems, 32(2):103 116, 1984.

Last modified: Mar 03, 2025